Suggestion can have some effect for a short time, the biggest effect will be 
the losing of $4000. There is no cure for TM, some meds will help with the 
side-effect. These meds are proven and you can find info all over on the 
internet. My opinion, don't give your money away, hold it back for a holliday.
What I could find on the internet, that it is special ionized water, used for 
fine machinery. In the comments prices are spoken of betrween $19.99 and $1000. 
What the amount is, I don't know. Maybe you have filled a swimming pool for 
$4000. On health sides, there is only an article of the need to clean your 
system by drinking that water, the most expencife bottle there is $19.99. 
Look futher on the internet, I found it, you can find it with Google. Keep your 
money in your pocket please.

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:25:17 -1000
Subject: [TMIC] Kangen water

My son is raving about the health benefits of Kangen water.  does anyone know 
anything about it?  I am trying to prevent him from spending $4000 on a bogus 
I have started my own experiment with it but am getting it from a local health 
food outlet.  In the meantime mayber some one has knowledge they would like to 

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