I just cannot imagine what that kind of devastation is like. In our house in
eastern TN it was very tense listening to the storm and waiting through the
hours of the tornado warnings and watches. The power wobbled a couple of
times but thankfully never went out. But I can only imagine whatever feeling
we had were multiplied exponentially by those who were actually hit by the
tornadoes. My heart goes out to them, and I'll be praying, Randy.

Barbara H.

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:05 AM, randy rankin <rj_ran...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> This isn't a TM item but I've gotten connected to many of you.
> LOT'S of people and communities where serious hurt, killed, and damaged.
> Many many people lost everything.
> In Alabama, we had more tornados that i can count. 3 where F4s at times,
> and one made it to F5.
> 1 mile from my brother's home near Hunstville, 6 where killed. In
> Rainsville close to 40 (39 I think) and people are still missing.
> Near my homeplace many lost everything. It was 1/2 to a mile wide and at
> times bigger.
> There is still no power or water in many areas.  Entire forests are gone -
> it often took the trees. In some places it pulled the grass out of the
> ground and removed the top soil and left a wide long brown barren trail.
> The REASON for this email is twofold.
> My cousin Kathy Studdard would NOT leave her cats and go to the shelter.
> She lost most of her cats anyway.  Her house was swept - and I DO mean swept
> away - like a big brown.  The blocks on the foundation were gone and it even
> removed the porch entirely.  She was taken to Atlanta with internal injuries
> and now we are getting news that is not good and we are afraid that we are
> going to loose her.  I'm not going to say 'prayer' ect and have a few send
> me multiple emails about what site is for ect. Just send warm thoughts or
> whatever you feel like doing.  Our family is just crushing under this
> situation. Even if she survives, this gorgeous lady with such awonderful
> husband and children and solid career is never going to be the same.  The
> power of this torando was so great that it removed a large oak tree with a
> plus 3 foot wide base and dropped it in a nearby field.  It didn't 'knock it
> over'.  It took the ENTIRE tree and set it back down on the other side of
> the road - ROOTS and all.
> I got another family that is also in serious need and I will send that in
> the next email if you are gracious enough to read.

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