*To All TMIC family;
I need all the prayers for my childrens mother, my ex-wife Sally. We are very good friends and have a better relationship than when we were married. Here is a short version she wrote explaining what has been happening to her. many of you know she was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer years ago: here is her latest condition. She needs all our prayers to survive this for any length of time.
Thank you and Sincerely,

*Have been on a couple of different oral chemotherapies since first discovering the cancer in 2005 - Arimidex for a long time, 'til it apparently stopped working (when I had the double mastectomy in late 2008), and Xeloda, which also did not work. This week I'll have my second round of Taxotere. Couple of weeks after the first round, my hair started falling out, so now I'm shaved bald! I've lost about 80 pounds, which is skinniest I"ve been in about 30 years! I look normal to myself because spent greater portion of my life closer to this weight, but my appearance is apparently shocking to those who haven't seen me in awhile.
I get short of breath easily and my voice is hoarse most of the time.
I've already outlived the median life expectancy of 3 years for my diagnosis (stage 4 breast cancer), so plan to keep it up as long as I can! Chemo makes me tired, so I sleep a lot.
It's a funny kind of limbo...
Now I see why didn't want to write this - it's depressing! How does one write about cancer in an upbeat way? Anyway, I don't spend time wringing my hands & moaning. Enjoy myself doing what I want each day and I get lots of rest!
That's all for now..  Pray for me and keep my in your happy thoughts.


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