I hope the first med works for  you and keeps working.     They can do so much 
more today than in the past.    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.   Stay
strong and keep posting.    We care.

From: rn11...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:44 PM
To: tmic 
Subject: [TMIC] OFF TOPIC: my cancer

      Hi Everyone,
          I went to Dana Farber today and got my shoulder biopsy results. It is 
positive for metastatic breast cancer. I was expecting it,so I'm not surprised.
          So it's hormone therapy and also a monthly IV therapy to strengthen 
my bones so they don't fracture,especially the humerus which is the one with 
the cancer. Also I need to take calcium and vitamin D3. I will also need 
monthly labs,and scans done periodically to see if the hormone is working. If 
it doesn't suppress the cancer,they will switch to another drug. 
         I just hope that the med works and keeps working for a while;it does 
depend on how aggressive the cancer is. Since I've had it for years,I hope it's 
not aggressive.
         Apparently some of the hormones can work for a long time and when it 
stops working they just switch to another;you can be treated for years,and then 
eventually need chemotherapy;that happens when they run out of hormones that 
         Unfortunately,I cannot have the treatment at Dana Farber since it is 
out of network and the same treatment is available locally.
         I want to thank everyone who has offered support,prayers,and concern. 
I truly appreciate it.
         Thanks for listening.
            Cheryl in hot & humid Easthampton,MA

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