another difference is that we the people aren't of the same strength of mind 
too endure such actions to be taken to fix the problem so it will be a lot 
worse crime wise.
these discussions aren't meant to be liked.
wish we weren't here!

--- On Sat, 7/16/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT - this is scary
To: "Dalton Garis" <>, "john snodgrass" <>,, "Bernie" <>,,
Date: Saturday, July 16, 2011, 4:33 PM

I couldn't agree more Dalton! It's remarkable that 100 years ago the gap 
between wealth and poverty is exactly the same as it is today. So what did we 
really learn after all this time? The only lesson learnt is that war is more 
expensive now....

Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "Dalton Garis" <>
Date: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 12:54 pm
Subject: [TMIC] OT - this is scary
To: "john snodgrass" <>, <>, 
"Bernie" <>, <>, 
<>, "Jeron Rampersad" <>

As an economist, I have been following this business very closely.

What impresses me most is that a bunch of kids, most of whom have never
known economic suffering personally, are ideologically driven, and refuse to
have their beliefs checked against reality on any level. They just believe
things should go just this way and the winds of fate will bless their deeds
if they just stay the course.

They don't have a clue as to what will really happen to things they set in
motion.  And are in this respect, just like the Bush Administration's
declaring war on Iraq, when not one of them had ever themselves been in a
battlefield, most having avoided military service preferring instead to take
advantage of the various deferments then available.  That's OK; but such are
not good candidates to determine when and how we should go to war.  It even
turned out that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld was "auto-signing" the letters
of condolences sent out to grieving parents and relatives for their loved
ones killed in action.

And now we have the same situation in the economic ideological wars.  These
persons are all rich and believe that if we just take all those New Deal
programs down by starving them off, then everyone will be like themselves,
able by their own wits to rise to the top.

Well, everyone cannot rise to the top, or it isn't a top.  Were all to rise
to the level of each of these congressmen in capacity and economic and
financial wits, then all would receive just a very average and far lower
remuneration in return.  This is the nature of the fallacy from which they
all suffer, and by which they are about to ruin the country.

These Young Turks are part of the side that ran up all these fantastic debts
in an adventurous unnecessary war, against which Brent Scowcroft and other
wiser heads, including Bush's own father, strongly advised.  Meanwhile, he
who had actually attacked our country was allowed to escape.

When is someone going to publicly call them out on this?  When will someone
stand up and say to their faces that these are their own debts, debts they
agreed to incur, that it was they who cut taxes on the rich during a time of
waran unprecedented move!--which blew up the debt, then and there, and
continued to cut taxes on the richest Americans, even when some of the
wealthiest publicly said they didn't need these tax cuts, that they played
no part in their investment decisions.  Shared sacrifice indeed!

The extremes of wealth and poverty which exist today are now approaching
those which existed exactly 100 years ago.

What does a country do for those citizens who are not the smartest and
brightest?  What about those who can't work that hard, who are ill, old,
young, sick, disabled or just too weak to carry it on?  What about those who
are not combat-ready to join in the battles of the modern information
economy?  What happens to them?

That's my two cents.

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