Thanks Anne,
I am glad that you can function as you do knowing that when we are helpless it 
is as much a mental strain on us as it is physical and more so in some cases. I 
realize that each on of us are different but many share same symptoms and some 
are exclussive altogether,nonetheless we suffer together.
thank God for a greater hope!

keep your chin up,,(if it doesnt hurt to do that    ;)   )
--- On 
John in WV(pup age 50)
TM'er since 2008

Sat, 8/6/11, Anne Shreve <> wrote:

From: Anne Shreve <>
Subject: [TMIC] My Story
To: "" <>
Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011, 1:14 AM

Hi everyone,  my name is Anne, 58 years young, and live in North Carolina.  I 
was diagnosed with tm in 1971.  All the doctors were completely stumped, they 
had never seen anyone come into the hospital for a bladder dialation procedure 
and wake up 2 days later completely paralyzed from the waist down.  My family 
had me transferred to another hospital where the dr. there did a mylogram the 
very next morning.  There was just one thing that went wrong. The dr. inserted 
the dye/contrast however, he forgot all about drawing the dye out after the 
test was complete.  I went on to a full recovery after a 4 month hospital 
stay. Then in
 1993 I noticed that my legs started feeling very heavy and I was having a 
great deal of pain radiating down my spine, into my hips and continuing down my 
legs.  Oddly enough, I was then working in the very hospital that I had 
recovered in back in 1971 so one day I went to the medical library and to my 
surprise every book that I picked up researching tm, had my name in it along 
with one other gentleman who lived about 8 miles from me.   Anyway, after 
seeing several neurologists, I was told that the leftover dye had attached 
itself to my spine and had destroyed the myelin (the protective covering) over 
our nerve endings leading away from the spine.  It progressed rapidly and I 
found myself using a walker, but within just a few months I was in a 
wheelchair.  For the last 12 years my life has consisted of
 either being in a hospital bed or my power scooter.  I don't suppose I will 
ever walk again.  But I continue to live alone, with my son and daughter 
checking in on me and getting me to my dr. appointments.  I probably should be 
in a nursing home but as long as I can continue to function in the capacity 
that I am currently in, I just want to stay at home. Please keep me in your 
prayers and thanks for hearing my story.  Take care everyone and God Bless you 
all.   Anne

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