Cheryl, how are your treatments going?     Are you fairly comfortable?     Keep 
us informed.

Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7:57 AM
Subject: [TMIC] shingles shot

I had shingles over 30 years ago. I know I can get it again,but I won't get the 
shot. I figure my odds of getting shingles aren't that high. My doc said he'll 
give it if I want it.

As for the flu shot,I've had one every year for as far back as I can remember.
Due to tm,I have a very weak cough and I fear even a regular cold. Plus I have 
diabetes,and now also the Stage IV breast cancer.
So,as usual,I'll be getting my flu shot. 

I've had 2 pneumonia shots over the years,and will get another if my doc thinks 
I need it.

BTW,my tm was probably caused by cat scratch fever.
             Cheryl,an RN for 21 yrs before getting tm

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