Hi Cheryl
Glad to hear you and Mitzi are surviving the storm. It seems there is always something to pull those dollars out of our pockets or checkbooks or wherever we manage them. Your area sure has been hit with a lot of storms. I hope your back home and warm soon.

Patti - Michigan.

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 1:36 PM, rn11...@yahoo.com wrote:

A week ago today the storm knocked out power. I've been at my daughter's house since last Sunday,sleeping on the couch.
  Brought my cat Mitzi too,she would have frozen in my house.
The storm tore the meter box off the house,and my circuit breakers all melted. The electrician I've had do work in the past went yesterday and repaired it all. $1900! My house insurance will cover all but the $500 deductible. One place wanted payment in full before fixing it;others had a 1-2 week wait,and also wanted money before fixing it. Now I'm waiting for the electric company to turn the power back on.

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