... I've been trying to get a hospital bed with a trapeze for transferring, as my shoulders that have been my legs for moving for the last 20 years are worn out. It would be so much easier to grab the bar and swing into bed than to have to hooch and schooch my body until I get into position for the night. But since I can use my ARMS, I do not qualify from what I've been told! If I couldn't use my arms, why would I need a trapeze? It just gets crazier and crazier to try and get anything medically necessary these days with politics and the economy as it is, (unless you have private insurance, not Medicare) ...

Thanks for chiming in, Bernie!
Between your neurologist, a physiatrist, and an OT
they should be able to help make your
case for Medicare.

I know it's not easy -- I've
been working on getting a motorized wheelchair
for a couple of years -- for the very reason you
cite -- my shoulders are getting worn and
they hurt from wheeling and transferring myself around.
I named the specialists/experts who have had to write letters and
fill out the forms to move my request along.

Best to you and yours,


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