it is always good to see progress in the rats,but when they need opportunity to 
move on to larger animals seams that they always loose their funding.

i reckon if we had the money that an NFL football player made we could take a 
trip overseas and get a try at it.

 From: kevin weilacher <>
To: Akua <>; "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Geron Halts Trial Because of  No Money

Geron pulling out of the stem cell research for MS and TM is old news.....
There is new hope through Case Western Reserve University School Of Medicine 
(Cleveland Ohio)...
They have some stem cell research currently going on to treat MS.... 
scroll down to where is says....   Translational Neurosciences  Center 

NE Ohio (Canton)

 From: Akua <>
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Geron Halts Trial Because of  No Money

Re: [TMIC] Geron Halts Trial Because of  No

if only i were the rat they say i


From: Akua
>Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 4:56 PM
>Subject: [TMIC] Geron Halts Trial Because of No Money
>Another option bits the dust.
>Now on 10/20 they announced progress in the trials
>This is the stuff that worked on rats
>"GRNOPC1 contains hESC-derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cells
that have demonstrated remyelinating, nerve growth stimulating and
angiogenic properties leading to restoration of function in rodent
models of acute spinal cord injury. Preclinical studies have shown
that administration of GRNOPC1 significantly improved locomotor
activity and kinematic scores of rodents with spinal cord injuries
when injected seven days after the injury. Histological examination of
the injured spinal cords treated with GRNOPC1 showed improved axon
survival and extensive remyelination surrounding the rodent axons. For
more information about GRNOPC1, visit . For further 
information about the Phase 1 clinical trial, including
location of clinical sites, visit"


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