Hi there,
The last few emails from Janet et al seem to suggest the importance of educating your main doctor. They may be idiots to some. But they have the power to give you the meds you need.

When I developed TM in New Zealand, I had good doctors there. Coming to Fiji (got a new job) I recently went to the one the locals recommended as the best-in-town. I saw this doctor to seek advice on a few matters. a) sleep disorder due to suspected flashback of Christchurch earthquake and b) my legs are feeling weaker. I was hoping to get a referral to specialists at the hospital. The doctor knew TM but he said it would heal on its own accord, and told me that I was becoming too sensitive and drawing my own attention inwards. He suggested I cultivate in social life and I was hypochondriac. He might have a point. But I am not sure if he can be the judge of my personality. I kind of shrugged his comment off, but deep inside I was bleeding and angry.

Yes, changing to another doctor is an option. But it's useful to have someone remind me of my character flaws; illness can have a didactic aspect. But surely there would be doctors who can put the same point across in harmless ways. So here my questions to fellow TM fighters:

1) How best can one educate your doctor about TM?
2) Is TM a more of a mind-over-matter illness?
3) Has TM changed your personality, self-esteem and social life?

Awaiting your responses,



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