Carol it sounds like you are doing fairly well considering that you have
TM.  I do have braces that I must admit I haven't been faithfully wearing
them lately.  I was told they would help me with my balance, but they are a
pain to put on and take off.  But you have shamed me into wearing them agan
and see what happens.  The only meds I take are gabapentin.  I am taking
300 mg at night.  I used to take 600 mg at night, but it seems since taking
it I have put on 15 pounds which I don't want or need so I am weaning
myself off and then will stop completely.  I have been taking it for almost
a year and I have found that it does absolutely nothing for the
pins/kneedles or burning/freezing so why continue taking it.  Hopefully, I
will be able to loss the extra weight.  My feet bother me more in the
evening after dinner and I am just sitting reading the paper or watching
TV;.  Maybe that is because my mind is not busy and is all I think about.
Fortunately, I am able to fall asleep without too much trouble.  I do get
various pains in my feet that feel as though something is stabbing me, but
I know it is just my nerves talking to me.  I know that this is the way it
will be, but I wish and pray that no more children or young women get this
terrible terrible condition.  I can't imagine how these young women with
children are able to manage their lives.

Bless you too and keep thinking positive.

Patti in Wisconsin

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 12:57 PM, pat cooley <> wrote:

> Carol your story sounds just like mine.  I too now get around the house
> without cane/walker but I do use a cane when I gol out.  I am able to walk
> around most stores hangingj on to the cart but if I go to stores where I
> have to do a lot of walking I take my electric scooter and then I can power
> shop with the best of them.  I still have the pins & needles and the
> burning/freezing in my feet and up to my knees.  I know this is the way it
> will always be since it has been almost 4 yrs, but I see that I am not
> suffering as much as so many of us TMers.
> Patti in Wisconsin
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Carol E <> wrote:
>>  Jim,
>> June 2005, I  went to bed with severe pins and needles feeling in my
>> right leg.  When I woke up, it was as limp as a noodle.  I was admitted
>> through the ER and received IV steroids, I think it was 9 hours.  During my
>> 5 week stay in the hospital, I received intensive PT.  About 3 weeks into
>> my physical therapy, I remember the therapist told me to try to wiggle my
>> toes.  I looked her like she was *seriously crazy*.  I tried....and they
>> moved (very little, but they moved).  Brought both of us to tears.  Before
>> my discharge, I was walking small distances with a walker and I know use a
>> cane.  I continued with out patient physical therapy for about 2 months.
>> My power shopping days are over, LOL! but I can walk in, get what I need,
>> and leave.  On bad days, I don't even try it.   Both legs feel very heavy,
>> but my right leg is worse.  I too have pins and needles torture from my
>> toes up to my waist.
>> *Carol *
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 11:55:22 -1000
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: [TMIC] Extent of your TM? Pins and Needles
>> From the discussion of Pins and Needles it seems that most of you are
>> able to get around and have some use of your legs.  I have pins and needles
>> from my feet to my belly and no use of my legs at all.  And they weigh a
>> ton.  Been like this since day  one.  Did any of you lose the use of your
>> legs and then get them back?  If so, how long did it take and how did you
>> do it?
>> Jim

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