I am one of the lucky ones  -  my hands were not affected at all.    But, my 
feet are becoming a little strange.   Thanks for all the “hints” on how to
handle them.     

From: pjv1...@chartermi.net 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 7:27 PM
To: The Man 
Cc: Janice Nichols ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] SPASMS

that reminds me of the hand brace I was given shortly after my attack.  It was 
brought to me because I was holding a rolled-up pair of socks to soften the 
grip of my clenched hand.  I didn't want to let the nurse take the socks away.  
A therapist soon brought me a plastic hand/arm brace that held my wrist, hand 
and fingers fully open and straight.  I loved that brace,  It was such a relief 
to have my muscles stretched.  I took it off to do my occupatonal therapy, but 
put it back when I needed to rest.  I even slept with it on for a few months.  
I understand why your gloves have become two of your closest friends.

Patti - Michigan    

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:05 AM, The Man wrote:

 Hi Janice, 

Yeah, I can really appreciate it. After I had my initial acute attack of TM - 
it was about 3 years later when I started to get 'hand-cramps', when the 
fleshy-part of the hand between the thumb and fore-finger starts to pull my 
fingers into all sorts of weird shapes!...lol.  

I found a pair of very tight-fitting gloves in my local physiotherapy-clinic, 
which were designed for 'carpal-tunnel' sufferers but they do a fantastic job 
to ease the cramping and lately, they have become 2 of my very closest friends. 

On 6 March 2012 11:25, Janice Nichols < jan...@centurytel.net> wrote: 
Hi Guys, 
Would like responses on a problem that only recently – after 5  years of TM  -  
has occurred. 
When put my shoes on, my right foot (heel) spasms and makes it  harder to walk. 
   Have any of you had 
this problem?     Really looking forward  to summer to wear sandals – don’t 
think there will be a problem  then. 
Is strange that after all these years that this problem would  show up. 


Glendon  (a.k.a  Goat Dodders  )  
...Living with Transverse-Myelitis  since 2007, 
in Brisbane,  Queensland,  Australia... 
e. goatdodd...@gmail.com
w. bloodywishfulthinking.blogspot.com  
t. @GoatDodders 

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