There is a vast, vast difference living in the well-off countryside, the
bucolic countryside, of beautiful sunsets and fond remembrances Š

and living in the poor countryside, stuck in a country where white bread
wrappers blow in the wind and get snagged by low branches;
And where used pampers litter the yards and old appliances are thrown down
the hill behind the houses;
And where no one has their own teeth after age 37;
And where the only books for sale are Harlequin novels;
And where women wear facial bruises on Monday's;
And where you need three cars, so that one might start;
And where seeing a doctor means bringing some trinket he might want in
exchange for services rendered;
And where the "man of the house" spends all his money on chroming his truck,
while his wife and kids live in a trailer;
And where the downtown has been gutted, borded-up and "Wal-Marted."
And where Monday mornings in March see the most suicides.

That countryside is the daily reality of the country's poor.  That
countryside is rarely referenced or discussed.  As a sawmill and woods
worker in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and
Washington State, I knew that countryside well.  Being a part of that
countryside is disability enough.  That countryside is a bad place to be if
you are even more disabled.


From:  <>
Date:  Sat, 31 Mar 2012 21:41:37 -0400
To:  <>
Subject:  [TMIC] Blown Away
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Sat, 31 Mar 2012 18:45:43 -0700

i'm dumbstruck at the  question "why do I stay" coming from this group.

I am paralyzed -- i would think folks here at least might understand what
having a disability thrust on them late
in life would mean.

Or maybe i just didn't know that there were services that buy one's home,
pack one up, and relocates them to more congenial
and supportive communities.

I never found such, but it could just be the limits of my imagination.

Or maybe i'm the only person here without the money to just buy myself the
solutions i need.
I am obviously wrong on many counts.

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