What hurts, Bernie, is the Victim-blaming implicit in the question " why do you 
and whole passive agressive  "if you don't like it just go somewhere else"
it pushes a button in me, of other causes and other efforts
 where,  when one protests ill treatment, one is told 

to pack up and go

And the sad, bad  part is  EVEN IF I WANTED TO I CAn't

 but the worst part is,  if i could, i would but if i could, then i wouldn't
want or have to...

if i could marshall the resources to move, i could marshall the resources
to make it better, to fix it…

but that doesn't even get to the why should i be the one to leave my home
that i worked so hard to get and give up my little yard and the trees i planted
and all my tools and equipment? 

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