This is the 60th newsletter© associated with www.healingtherapies.info, the 
purpose of which is to expand the healing spectrum of people with physical 
disabilities, especially spinal cord dysfunction.
This issue targets individuals with quadriplegia. Specifically it discusses the 
creation of new connections between still-functioning, upper-arm nerves and 
paralysis-affected nerves servicing the lower arm and hand.
Please support those who have made this newsletter possible. Specifically, 
consider subscribing to PN/Paraplegia News (subscribe 602-224-0500 or 
www.pn-magazine.com), or donating to the Paralyzed Veterans of America's 
Education Foundation, whose support of diverse educational and training 
activities have benefited many with paralysis (www.pva.org ).
Check out Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury: Beyond the Banks of the 
Mainstream at http://www.demosmedpub.com/prod.aspx?prod_id=9781932603507 or 
Amazon.com. (rated 5 stars by readers). This is an instructive book for anyone, 
with or without disability.
Learn more about divergent function-restoring therapies for spinal cord injury 
at www.sci-therapies.info.
 (Adapted from an article appearing in the April 2012 PN Magazine)
Periodically, I've discussed peripheral-nerve transfers or rerouting, a 
procedure which has considerable potential for restoring some function after 
SCI. Basically with such transfers, peripheral nerves emanating from the cord 
above the injury site are surgically redirected and connected to 
paralysis-affected nerves below the injury site. This establishes a functional 
neuronal connection from the brain to previously dormant muscles. Because only 
a specific muscle or muscle group is restored, it is not a cure-all for 
paralysis; nevertheless, substantial life-enhancing function may accrue.
In spite of daunting neuroanatomical terminology, these procedures are 
conceptually easy to understand. For example, visualize a house in which the 
power to the back bedroom has been lost (i.e., area below the injury) due to a 
burned-out master cable (i.e. the spinal cord injury). Instead of fixing the 
master cable, you split the wire that controls the still-functioning 
living-room television. One segment keeps on powering the TV, while the other 
is connected to the bedroom, totally circumventing the damaged section of the 
master cable.
Although some of the pioneering work was done in this country over 50 years 
ago, unfortunately, the procedures faded into obscurity here. The preponderance 
of clinical experience with them was gained in China, a country possessing 
one-eighth of the World's SCI population, including many victims injured in 
massive natural disasters. For example, nerve-rerouting was used after the 1976 
Tangshan City earthquake, which killed nearly a quarter million and injured 
400,000 people.
A decade ago, I was invited to China to observe first-hand these surgical 
procedures and the stunning return of function that often resulted. Reported in 
the April 2002 PN, my article was one of the first to re-introduce the concepts 
to Western audiences and piqued the interest of several scientists, including 
Dr. Justin Brown, currently at the University of California, San Diego. At the 
time a relatively junior neurosurgeon trained at some of the country's leading 
medical schools, he was receptive to learning about innovative approaches for 
treating SCI, including those not well appreciated in the U.S. He open-mindedly 
sought the opinion of my Chinese colleagues, traveling to China to learn more.
With the understandings and insights he gained from these and other 
international collaborations, Brown started developing his own rerouting 
methodology. Although the benefits are still to be determined, his efforts are 
especially important because it helps to bring back to America a focus on a 
forgotten, function-restoring surgical approach that has benefited many Chinese.
 As discussed in a 2011 issue of Surgical Neurology International, Dr. Brown 
has focused his initial efforts on creating new connections between 
still-functioning, upper-arm nerves and paralysis-affected nerves servicing the 
lower arm and hand. Basically, his overall goal is to generate additional hand 
function for individuals with cervical injuries.
Although Dr. Brown has now rerouted nerves in several individuals, his article 
focuses on the procedures used with the first subject, a 28-year-old male with 
a C5-level injury sustained 13 years earlier from a football accident. Due to 
this injury, arm function was limited to the shoulders and biceps.
Four years after injury, the patient started using the "Freehand" 
functional-electrical-stimulation (FES) device, which allows the user to 
artificially pinch and grip through a system of embedded electrodes controlled 
by a movement-sensitive device placed on the opposite shoulder. However, 
because the patient felt that 1) the resulting hand control was limited, 2) the 
device was cumbersome, and 3) wires leading to electrodes caused discomfort, he 
chose to have the system removed and consider other options.
To reestablish voluntary control of various muscles involved in hand function, 
Dr. Brown had to create several new nerve connections. Although the procedures 
sound relatively straightforward in principle, they required considerable 
surgical sophistication and ability to identify nerves serving specific 
First Rerouting: The first new connection was created to restore wrist and 
finger flexion (i.e., bending). Specifically, segments (called fascicles) of 
the musculocutaneous nerve, which controlled the still-functioning biceps and 
related muscles, were connected to a segment of the median nerve, leading to 
paralyzed forearm and hand muscles. Because only a portion of the 
musculocutaneous nerve was redirected, function in the bicep-related muscles 
already served by this nerve was not sacrificed. 
If you go to http://www.sci-therapies.info/Nerve-Connections.htm, there are 
some very helpful illustrations that greatly aid in the understanding of these 
surgical procedures. Because these illustrations could not be included in this 
newsletter, interested readers are encouraged to check them out.
Illustration A shows the pre-surgery situation involving the musculocutaneous 
and median nerves and the muscles they serve. Muscles under voluntary control 
are colored red, while paralysis-affected muscles are highlighted in gray. 
Illustration B shows the location of the newly created musculocutaneous-median 
nerve connection and, as can be seen by the expanded red coloring, the 
additional key muscles that should come under volitional control as a result of 
the connection.
Second Rerouting: The next rerouting involved the axillary nerve, which 
serviced the patient's still-functioning deltoid muscles. Specifically, an 
axillary-nerve segment was connected to a segment of paralysis-affected radial 
nerve that leads to the triceps (see Illustration C inset) - reestablishing a 
functional connection to this important muscle. Another axillary-nerve segment 
was connected to a radial-nerve segment that leads to wrist- and 
finger-extension muscles. The remaining axillary segments will continue to 
serve the deltoids. Hence, after the rerouted nerves have the opportunity to 
regenerate to their new target muscles, the axillary nerve under the 
individual's volitional control will provide functional connections to not one, 
but several muscles.
Illustration C shows the axillary and radial nerves and the muscles they lead 
to before the intervention. As before, functional and paralysis-affected 
muscles are colored red and gray, respectively. Illustration D shows the newly 
created nerve connections between the axillary and radial nerves, as well as 
the additional muscles that should become functional due to these connections. 
As can be seen, the red highlighting of volitional muscle control has greatly 
Although these illustrations are technical, the take-home message can be 
obtained by merely blurring your eyes and noting how much paralysis-affected 
gray areas have shifted into red areas of volitional control.
Although preliminary results appear promising with the tentative return of new 
function, it is too early to report definitive outcomes in any of the patients 
because it takes time for the nerves to regenerate to the target muscles. In 
theory, however, the patient, who before the procedure only had elbow-flexion 
and shoulder function, should recover his ability to reach, grasp, and release. 
It is important to note that such recovery will be obtained without sacrificing 
existing functions, which is often the case with the more commonly used 
tendon-transfer procedures (a hand surgery in which a functioning tendon is 
shifted from its original attachment to a new one to restore the action lost 
due to paralysis). 
Although Dr. Brown's nerve-transfer procedures are restricted in anatomical 
focus, for individuals with quadriplegia, recovering even limited hand function 
can often have profound quality-of-life implications by greatly increasing 
personal independence. As such, his work eventually may have important 
implications for many Americans with SCI.


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