havnt been on in ages,hope everyone is doing well,had my surg for my baclofen 
pump replacement,everything went outstanding and the pump is working well,had 
it done at albany med center and thourghly had an excellent experience with no 
aprehension or nervousness what so ever,spent 3 days in the hosp and had some 
unbelievable pain killers,wow,had an even better time flirting with some very 
beautifull nurses and didnt want to go home
i have been hearing alot of stories and even know someone who experienced 
this.i heard of a woman who was dx with ms 20 years ago and spent a vast 
majority of this time in a wheelchair and suffered through all crazy stuff we 
do,tingling,numbness,muscle spasms,bladder issues(etc.etc).she woke up one 
morning and put her legs over the side of the bed stood up and walked and had 
no symptoms at all ,other than some muscle weakness which therapy took care 
of,she is symptom free and is living a normal life like nothing ever 
happened.what the heck,thats a dream of all of ours,ive been in this dam chair 
since 2000 and other than the first 2 years of this have never given up hope of 
walking.ive always had it burried in the back of my mind that somday it will 
happen and then i hear stories like the one i wrote about.
have any of you ever heard of this happening?and what are your opinions on this.
to you new tm'rs and ms'rs,use this as a lesson of hope to never give up or 
quit,the first 2 years is hell untill you get into a grove and start accepting 
                                                               tm 2000,ms2005

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