Happy Birthday to those born in December. "May your days be merry and

Please send any additions or corrections to: tmic-list@eskimo.com

12-2 Meghan (bluemeg...@hotmail.com)

12/2 Ashlee Black (tracey.bl...@hnoins.com)

12/3  Janice (jan...@centurytel.net)

12-3  Wim from Holland (wim_from_holl...@hotmail.com)

12- 4 Jan Burgess (ja...@rogers.com)

12-7 Patti in Wisconsin ((wpcoo...@gmail.com)

12-8 Lori Malloy (jorlcummi...@earthlink.net)

12-15 Alton Ryder(a-ry...@comcast.net)

12/23 Roger Pratt (r.c.pr...@frontier.com)

12-25 Gilly (gillyma...@aapt.net.au)

12/31 Janet (j.d...@shaw.ca)

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