Hi ladies and  gentleman,
This is Jude from  TMIC.  We are having two discussions and need your 
input.  First, we  are talking about the need for a neurologist when someone 
TM, and the other  topic is the need for flu shots, have you had them and 
what does your Dr. say  about them.
There has been quite  a bit of activity lately, but we need more.  Will be 
happy to answer any  questions you have or talk about any topics you can 
think  of.
I miss hearing from  you and hope you write in soon.  In case you have 
forgotten the site it  is:
_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  .  If you need  to 
receive the emails the address is:  _tmic-list-request@eskimo.com_ 
I love you  all,
Michigan,  USA

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