I mentioned recently that I had the fluaround and on Christmas Day and it drug 
on and I am just now getting my normal, for me, energy anbd strength back.  One 
thing I have noticed is that I seem to have have a problem with balance more 
than usual-which has never been great since the onset of TM.  However, it seems 
the flu has set me back in this regard.

Does this make sense?  Any idea why this is?  I don't use a cane unless I have 
to do a lot of walking, and am not at that point, but it seems since the fluI 
have caught myself a bit off balance but not to the point of falling, 
fortunately.  Do you suppose the flu just exacerbated the lesion on my spinal 
cord, somehow?  Hopefully I will get at least back to the more mild lack of 
balance I had before.  By the way, the neurologist (a few years back) had me 
stand with my feet together and pointed out my lack of balance and seemed 
concern I might get bumped by someone and lose my balance, but I pointed out, 
maybe a bit sarcasticly, that I normally don't just stand in the way of people 
with my feet together.  I don't think he was amused.

Any suggestions why the flu would increase this lack of balance?

Gary, Niles, MI (where it is cold!)

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