Hello everyone,
Most of you know me from my group on Facebook....Transverse Myelitis Folks.....

I have been a subscriber here on the TMIC since shortly after my onset of TM 
back in May 2008....and I have gotten some decent bits of info from here....
and then, as most of you know....things here on the TMIC kind of dwindled off 
for awhile....but recently there has been a resurgence of postings...
For some, this has been a good thing....
For me, it's been nothing but a nightmare...
At first I was subscribed to the daily digest and I was receiving 20 to 30 
posts in my email....
I was kind of tired of that because 90% of the posts were nothing more than a 
few word answer to the original post.
I still had to scroll through each and every post and mark them to delete 
So, yesterday I subscribed to the digest postings where it would send me a 
culmination of posts from the last two days....
I got up this morning and I had 87 posts....
I had to scroll through each and every one of them to delete them....

I had originally subscribed to this group because on occasion I would find a 
good piece of info that was useful to me and to others....
I have not seen that much of that lately....

So, it is with regret that I am cancelling my subscription here and 
concentrating on my TM Folks group and my TM Network...
At least in this way, I can read the original post and if the answers to that 
post aren't something that interests me, I can just scroll on past them on to 
the next post.
I can also concentrate on finding good pertinent info to post to the group and 
also save it in the "Files" section for members to be able to refer to at a 
later date....

I know that the TMIC has been around for a long time.....but personally, I like 
the "family" type of atmosphere of my group on Facebook....where you can see 
pictures of the person and their kids....It makes it more of a personal 
thing...after all, we are one large extended family....

So....I wish all of you continued success here....and for those that are still 
on Facebook too...I look forward to seeing you there...
I just can't deal with having my email inbox inundated with 80 plus emails of 
which the majority of them have no pertinent info.
My primary goal is to provide the members of my group, info that they will find 
useful and informative.
Yes, there are always the posts where folks gripe about this or that....but 
that is also part of my group...To be able to support those that need it.

Thanks for the time that I have spent here....I'll miss some of you...
Take care and god bless....
Kevin Weilacher.

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