I am getting braver too - going to Nashville this March for 10 days. Still with some reservations, really looking forward to it.

-----Original Message----- From: Pat Voorheis
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 7:53 AM
To: tmic
Subject: [TMIC] Traveling with TM

My husband and I have taken several trips since TM hit me nine years ago. Traveling started after I read a proverb. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." I wrote in the margin of my Bible, It's time to say yes to Jim's Pacific Ocean Highway 101 trip. The whole idea petrified me and the biggest what if was - what if TM hits again while I'm away from home. You could list your greatest ten fears and figure I had many of them too. We made as many adjustments as we could and flew from Michigan to Seattle, Washington, with small, small suitcases for a two week vacation. We drove from Seattle to San Diego, California. Then flew back home.

I didn't have a TM relapse. I didn't loose my meds. I didn't die from riding so long. We have great memories of that trip.

Another summer we took our boat on a week's vacation. I didn't fall overboard, but We had to take my brother so he could take over my usual duties. Darn TM.

We had to admit that TM changed me and our finances too much to be able to maintain our boat so we sold it (at a loss). Darn TM.

We waited a year and bought a used motor home and set out on a three week cross country trip to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. I didn't fall off a cliff or get eaten by a grizzly

We've taken other trips since and each one has built confidence. Yes they were tiring. Yes I was in pain. I wished to be in my own bed, didn't want to ride one more mile, or walk one more step. However, until writing this that's not what I remembered about those trips. They were good times, with good memories and lots of pictures to prove it.

A lot of TMers have traveled and helped me prepare.  I'm glad we did it!

Patti - Michigan

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