Rob I have had a pump for quite a few years now,  I use it to control clonus in 
my legs.  The only down side I have found is the cost involved with getting the 
pump filled.  Even with insurance my co-pay is over $600 every time I have to 
go in.

 From: Robert Pall <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Baclofen pump

I have just seen a new neuro who recommended the baclofen pump. He had me do a 
trial where he inserted a needle into my spine and injected a small dose of 
baclofen. Almost immediately I felt the banding in my legs improve and my 
walking was much better as well. I guess I am just worried about the downside 
if any of the pump. I would love to hear from people presently using the pump 
and hear their side of the story. Please keep in mind that I presently walk 
unassisted and drive (and swim). Ju7st want to make sure the upside is far 
better than the downside!

All the best!
Rob in New Jersey

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