I hope that people on this list are reading about and keeping informed of
the fundraisers about the U.S.  Several very energetic members are putting a
lot of effort and energy into the events and I hope they are not going
unrewarded.  If you are able to attend any of the events, please do so. If
you are able to help out in any way with your expertise, I know it would be
much appreciated.  So far, the events are happening in Pennsylvania, South
New Jersey, Georgia (YAY Kim!!!), Maryland and Florida.  We would love to
make it TEN Cities throughout the U.S., but five is still awesome.


This is also a great way of starting a support group in your area, getting
out and meeting others with TM in your area, getting out and walking (or
rolling), and getting some fresh air and sunshine.  If you have any
questions, please check out the website at www.myelitis.org.




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