With each passing season there are more things slipping away, including
intellectual capacities.  Life goes on and "shelves" us.

But we still have an important role in life and for persons around us.
Little as we realize it, but others know of us and watch us bear with
dignity and poise whatever life has caused us to carry.

Lately, I have been reading the Book of Job.  It occurs to me that those
"friends" of his who came to listen to his woes and criticize him, were, in
fact, his inner voices and not actual persons.  This is confirmed by how
smoothly he came back into his strengths and was confirmed by God.

Then I came upon another "tablet" called the Tablet of Patience.  It begins
with a recounting of Job's sufferings, but then discusses other scenes of
hardship and oppression on innocent persons, and how they bore up under
terrific pressures.  We can relate to all this.

The thing that impressed me and made me think is how much others witness and
take account of persons like us who have these difficulties that have taken
us out of life's ordinary flow and forced on us quite a different set of
experiences.  At the end, it is realized that as our mother was the womb of
our body, our body is the womb of our soul.  All this will disappear and we
will be left with our inner accomplishments and strengths, gained from our
hardships and struggles.


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
Mobile: 718-838-0437

From:  Judy <heyjude48...@aol.com>
Date:  Wednesday, 17  January 2013 8:38 PM
To:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2013 #190
Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Wed, 17 Apr 2013 17:38:41 -0700 (PDT)

You know, Betty...I think about the same things all the time.  It isn't fun
getting older and the thought of not being able to do things for myself is
unbearable.  You have it easier than me though, because you can walk, but
all in all, the future is kind of difficult for us TM'ers  to face.
I'd like to wish you a happy anniversary, but I know it isn't one you really
want to celebrate.  I do wish you all the best that life has to offer and
hope that you continue to do all of the things you need to do to keep
yourself going.
Enjoy life to the fullest!
Remember, TIAD.
In a message dated 4/17/2013 7:09:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
tmic-digest-requ...@eskimo.com writes:
> tmic-digest Digest                 Volume 2013 : Issue 190
> Today's Topics:
>   [TMIC]  Hi!!!                           [ Shirley Gurnell
> <s.gurn...@xtra.co. ]
>    [TMIC] Anniversary                     [ Betty Clark <xbeecla...@gmail.com>
> ]
> http://www.ou-zaharistoyanov.com/duqiw/vwuiqnzcjkbgjpr.cr
> <http://www.ou-zaharistoyanov.com/duqiw/vwuiqnzcjkbgjpr..cr>
> 4/9/2013 12:37:51  PM
> 4/9/2013  12:37:51 PM s.gurnell
> So today is my "lucky (???) seven" year  anniversary with TM. At this
> time seven years ago, I was inside an MRI  machine for over an hour
> trying to hold as still as possible while my legs  continued to spasm
> about every three minutes. By far, the worse, most  painful day of my life.
> Though usually fairly optimistic and more on  the positive side of my
> feelings, I find myself in a more pensive and  reflective state today.
> Wondering what the next ten-to-twenty years look  like... will I still be
> able to function well enough on my own, without  assistance? Will I be
> able to keep the ugly monster at bay and not let it  completely destroy
> my outlook on life? Can I continue to find enough joy  in my daily
> existence?
> I know I will have to forcibly take the  reins and get myself out
> regularly so as to not become a recluse in my own  home. I have realized
> since I had to "retire" from my job six years ago  because of TM, other
> people's lives have gone on and most have little time  to waste coming to
> visit or entertain me. I must make the effort if I want  to maintain any
> relationships outside my own home and family.
> Of  course, my fervent and continuing prayer is that by some miracle, a
> cure  and  treatment will be found that will help everyone saddled with
> either TM or MS. As I begin another year of pain, medications,
> limitations, etc., I wish everyone peace of mind and soul.
> Hugs to  all,
> Betty
> (in Northern California)

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