

You're right TM sucks and has ruined a big part of my life.  It has been 5
years and I am still finding more things it has ruined (thinking about
disability due to it getting harder to work full time and do anything else,
but that is a whole can of worms).


BUT it has not taken away my family or my hero of a husband.  Still have
some of my friends.  Actually work has been great for keeping my busy and
having a social life.  I have some woodworking I'd like to do but between
work and regular maintenance stuff I run out of energy and the pain gets too
bad.  My husband has taken over the daily chores so he is more worn out but
keeps going.  It hurts him very much to see me pushing to do small stuff
around the house instead of living my lively active life.  It's changed the
whole dynamic of my home but we are still together going a day at a time. 


Pat I like your return "I am doing the best I can",  it politely reminds
them you have issues but you're dealing with them.


Betty you are so right about finding something to do to pass the time.  I
can't tell you how many things have turned into "I can't go", everyday
things like food store, pharmacy, Lowes.  Then there are the "if I feel
okay, then maybe", movies, eat out go over a friend's house.  So yes it has
taken a very big part of my life away but I guess I'm lucky because I have
always pushed forward to find something else.  There are times the pain and
all gets me to a point where I say can't do it anymore, the next day or one
after usually gets me going again especially if I can interact with someone.


Find something to smile about, even if it's looking out your window at
nature, kids, etc.  A smile is what helps me keep going, so I can find more
feel good smiles.


Make it a great day,



From: Pat Cooley [mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 3:36 PM
To: Susan Kleinz
Cc: I.WHIDDETT; nmacleo...@yahoo.co.uk; <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Friends


I agree completely.  My family and close friends know that I will never be
cured and no longer ask those stupid questions.  To people who don't have a
clue and ask how I am doing, I always say "I am doing the best I can", and
that usually shuts them up.


On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Susan Kleinz <skle...@cox.net> wrote:

amen Iris.  I do the exact same thing.  I also hate being told I look good,
when I am in excruciating pain.  This T has ruined my life, and I'm pissed!
On Jul 6, 2013, at 6:06 AM, I.WHIDDETT <i.whidd...@sky.com> wrote:

> Nikki, just been reading Dalton's words and I totally agree with his
response to "how are you".  I always say "fine".   This is partly for the
reason he gives but also because I learnt early on that it is impossible for
any non- TMer to understand our symptoms - certainly unlike anything they
will ever have experienced - and I'm all out of patience in trying to
explain.  By far the most aggravating question to be asked is "Are you
better now?"!
> Iris


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