Hi Jim.  In answer to your question, "Is anyone still using the TMIC list?   I 
Guess not.  I haven't been getting any email from it and I am partly the reason 
since I haven't been using it myself, as much as I miss it!  A while back a few 
of us were writing but that soon ended.  I think some are communicating on 
Facebook but I have not.
I miss reading information, personal experiences, and also participating with 
questions or comments, but have failed to do so for some time.  Part of my 
reason/excuse is that I am caring for elderly parents which takes part of each 

Well, that is my answer to your question.  There's little or no activity on the 
"list" but maybe it will get going again. Anyway, Jim,it was nice to hear from 
you.  All  that you have done and are doing for the cause ot TM is appreciated. 

NIles, MI

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