
On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:27:01PM -0400, Helmut K. C. Tessarek wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a few questions/comments and I hope that Thomas or Nicholas find
> the time to reply.
> I've noticed that as soon as a release is made the version is bumped and
> debug is turned on. I was not even able to turn this off with the
> configure option --disable-debug.
> So a static binary compiled from git has 4.5 MB while a static binary
> compiled from a release tarball has close to 2 MB.
> People should be able to choose, if they want debug info or optimized code.

No, I want people using Git master to build with debug symbols. I don't
want bug reports without symbols.

> Setting the version to 2.4 is _very_ confusing. As it is now, people
> think they are running release 2.4 while they're not.

People don't know when they've built from Git and when they haven't? I
don't think this is a real problem.

> Other projects use versioning like:
> 2.4-dev
> 2.3-<number of commits since release tag>-<7 character long git hash>
> (e.g.: 2.3-17-76a9e6f)
> The development model does not follow a pull request model, nor does it
> seem to be git aware at all.
> People send patches and their code is commited by either Nicholas or
> Thomas, which is fine, but the author field should still have the name
> of the coder. It has not. Instead the author is mentioned in the commit
> message. I don't want to complain, but this looks very strange, as if
> the developers have no idea how git works.
> One of the reasons why I haven't sent any patches is, because I don't
> want to write code, test it, send a patch file via git to a mailing list
> (which is another annyoance) and then my name does not even show up as
> the author. I don't know why pull requests are such a problem.

People are credited in the commit message if they send a patch and I
know their name (that is, I have a real name to credit and not an
account name or alias).

> Anyway, it certainly sounds that I only have negative feedback. This is
> not the case. tmux is a great product and I use it daily. I just wanted
> to comment on a few things I just don't understand. Maybe the developers
> can shed a light on these things.
> Cheers,
>  K. C.
> -- 
> regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek
> lookup http://sks.pkqs.net for KeyID 0xC11F128D
> /*
>    Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness
>    await thee at its end.
> */
> -- 
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