
on a Raspberry Pi, we locally set up a console server, where our hardware 
connects to.
Here we are using TTYD (for the web application) and this tool uses tmux to 
create the console session to the device.

In the tmux config (~/.tmux.conf) I set this option "set -g mouse on" and this 
allows us to scroll up and down in the session.
But now we cannot use the Clipboard.

We are using tmux 3.1c on Raspbian / Linux 11 Bullseye, and now I want to ask 
you what I have to put in the tmux config, that we can use the Clipboard (Copy 
and Paste out of the tmux Session) and that we can scroll unlimited in the tmux 
I am happy to hearing from you and thank you very much.

Mit freundlichen Gr??en / Best regards
Tim Fahnenbrauck
Professional Services

#gerneperDu #CallMeByMyFirstName


ambiFOX GmbH
Fleehook 1, 48683 Ahaus
Phone: +49 2561 8693-700
E-Mail: <mailto:%7BE-mail%7D> 


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Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Daniel Gebing, Fabian Gehling

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