Hi everyone.

Just as a follow-up and future reference, since the solution I found has
nothing to do with Tmux, although it could have some of its features if it
was in the mix.

I put instant.nvim <https://github.com/jbyuki/instant.nvim> and HyperDisCo
<https://pustota.basislager.org/_/sc-help/Help/HyperDisCo.html> together
and so I could do what I wanted to.

Thank you all that tried to to help me here. I felt very welcome. It makes
me feel like learning more about Tmux

best regards,

Em seg., 28 de nov. de 2022 às 12:14, Gil Fuser <gilfu...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone.
> This is my first post here.
> I should then, first of all, ask you to excuse me for cross-posting. I
> posted this question in Stackoverflow a week ago and I got very few views,
> no comments, no votes and I'm afraid it will be lost on the overflow, so I
> came here hoping for any directions. Here goes the context and my question.
> I'm trying to find a way of live-code music
> <https://github.com/toplap/awesome-livecoding/#what-is-live-coding>
> together with others, real time and collaboratively, like one would do in a
> document editor as Etherpad or Google Docs.
> I have tried some specific tools for that (e.g: Troop
> <https://github.com/Qirky/Troop/> and Flok
> <https://github.com/munshkr/flok>), but I would like to stay in Neovim.
> Then I tried Tmux, which is great because when a client evaluates a block
> of code that will be done for all clients in that session, but just one
> person can write at a time and that won't work for live coding together.
> This plugin for Neovim: Instant <https://github.com/jbyuki/instant.nvim>
> allows multiple clients coding together in Neovim each one with its own
> cursor, but it only shares text.
> Is there a way for Tmux to share only the vim commands, native or from
> plugins, and not text? If so, one could use both Tmux and Instant and have
> the best of both worlds.
> I'm using Ubuntu Studio 22.04, NeoVim v0.8.0-dev-1081-g907fc8ac3, tmux (I
> couldn't find which version), scnvim
> <https://github.com/davidgranstrom/scnvim/> and tidal-vim
> <https://github.com/tidalcycles/vim-tidal> for livecoding.
> Thank you all in advance for any directions.
> --
> gilfuser.net



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