
That looks like tmux picking up a bell (0x07) character, and is an indication that the program on that window tried to alert the user for some reason. In one terminal emulator I have to use, there is an audible tone (typically the system alert tone on Windows) when the shell issues a bell character.

How to turn it off in tmux I don't know, but you may be able to configure vim to not issue a bell character in the first place when you press Escape more than once, and that will avoid tmux picking it up.

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 02:02:55PM -0700, G M wrote:
I have a small annoyance that I cannot seem to deal with. I often have vim open
in a window and will sometimes press escape a couple of times (just habit) and
then quickly switch windows. What happens is that the tmux panel will highlight
the vim window even though nothing happened besides a benign escape key press
being resolved. I included a screenshot of what it looks like. The window "vim"
gets highlighted in black.

I don't really know what feature of tmux this is (so I have a hard time
searching for it online) or if this is something I have to set in vim. I tried
set -g visual-bell off
but it does not seem to work. Any help would be appreciated.


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