Does your platform have ktrace? Can you make absolutely sure no tmux processes
are running, then send me the output from starting tmux with ktrace -i tmux
then exiting it and running kdump?

On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 09:53:20PM -0600, Dan Velleman wrote:
> Just tried.  Yes, it does ? same problem.
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Nicholas Marriott
> <> wrote:
> > Does the same happen if you build tmux from SF CVS?
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 03:39:09PM -0600, Dan Velleman wrote:
> >> I'm running the DarwinPorts port of tmux, v1.1, on Mac OS 10.5. ?As
> >> far as I can tell, it is not running configuration files at all.
> >> Things I have tried:
> >>
> >> * putting commands in ~/.tmux.conf or in /etc/tmux.conf
> >> * explicitly calling for a specific config file when launching (tmux
> >> -f ~/.tmux.conf)
> >> * explicitly killing the server (tmux kill-server) and restarting it
> >> * running tmux -vvv to catch error messages ? nothing relevant shows
> >> up in the logfile AFAICT
> >> * deleting commands from the configuration files one at a time ??no
> >> matter which commands I use, none are run
> >>
> >> My current .tmux.conf is:
> >>
> >> unbind C-b
> >> set -g prefix C-a
> >> setw -g mode-keys vi
> >> set -g status-bg black
> >> set -g status-fg white
> >> set -g status-interval 1
> >>
> >> But again, removing or adding commands to this list has no effect ?
> >> none are run regardless. ?Setting any of these options explicitly with
> >> tmux set OPTION or tmux setw OPTION works fine.
> >>
> >> Likely I'm overlooking something very simple, but I'm not sure what.
> >> Thoughts?
> >>
> >> --
> >> Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize til you have tried
> >> to make it precise.
> >> ??Bertrand Russell
> >>
> >> If there is an appeal here, it is to a Popperian type of fragility:
> >> look, I'm a proper scientist, because I've just shown you how fragile
> >> my theory is; in fact, I've just broken it.
> >> ??R. Allen Harris
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Join us December 9, 2009 for the Red Hat Virtual Experience,
> >> a free event focused on virtualization and cloud computing.
> >> Attend in-depth sessions from your desk. Your couch. Anywhere.
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> tmux-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> -- 
> Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize til you have tried
> to make it precise.
>  ?Bertrand Russell
> If there is an appeal here, it is to a Popperian type of fragility:
> look, I'm a proper scientist, because I've just shown you how fragile
> my theory is; in fact, I've just broken it.
>  ?R. Allen Harris

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