On 06/09/2010 12:00 PM, Tomasz Pajor wrote:
> Hello,
> I got window split to 3 panes.
> Is there a way to make current pane full screen, and after i finish working
> with it, bring it back to the previous size?

break-pane (<prefix> !) followed by join-pane get me approximately
similar behavior.

For the join-pane I have the following binding set up in my .tmux.conf:

bind-key j command-prompt -p 'join with:' 'join-pane -h -t %%'

(Most of the time you can use just the window number; however sometimes
you have to be explicit and specify the pane number; I run into this
most often when trying to join with window 0 - there is always a pane 0
in the current window so you have to specify window 0.0 to get pane 0 of
window 0, instead of pane 0 of the current window)

If it joins on "the wrong side" of the pane, just use <prefix> { or } to
swap panes.

Micah J. Cowan

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