
tmux github version from today (the master branch), on Linux i686 and rxvt-unicode-256color-9.07-10.

I have the following lines in $HOME/.tmux.conf:

  bind-key -t vi-copy C-PPage page-up
  bind-key -t vi-copy C-NPage page-down
  bind-key -t vi-copy C-Up page-up
  bind-key -t vi-copy C-Down page-down

I need them because repeatedly doing PPage doesn't bring me up, I need
that prefix "to get higher".  Tmux complains:

 "usage: bind-key [-cnr] [-t key-table] key command [arguments]"

BTW:  I like the way config problems like these are shown inside the
client terminal, even with copy mode set, so that I can copy and paste


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