(04/19/2011 05:09 AM), hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> hi,
> have tmux (1.4), and following problem:
> My tmux is split into 3 panes, like this:
> +------------+
> |            |
> +------------+
> |            |
> +------------+
> |            |
> |            |
> |            |
> |            |
> |            |
> |            |
> |            |
> +------------+
> panes 1 and 2 (from the top) have "tail -f some/log/file | colorizing"
> the bottom pane is irc.
> when I select something in irc (lowest pane), and leave the selection
> there, sometimes - not always, when new thing gets shown in panes 1 or
> 2, the selection gets moved upwards 1 line. i.e. the text in irc window
> is the same, and selection has the same shape, but is one line higher.
> unfortunately it doesn't happen always, just sometimes, so it's hard for
> me to produce self-contained example, but perhaps you will know what can
> cause this problem.

I'll hazard a guess that it's related to scroll regions, and that
konsole accidentally scrolls the selection, even when the selection's
not part of the scroll region.

If that's the case, then I suspect you may find it easier to reproduce
the problem by hitting Enter enough times that the prompt is at the
bottom of the pane, and then hit Enter another time to get a scroll to

Micah J. Cowan

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