On 2/9/2012 4:00 AM, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
> I'd rather not translate aixterm colours on terminals that support them:
> - They are fewer bytes than the 256 colour equivalents.
> - We can't predict what configuration options terminals have - some may
>    have the ability to alter the palette for aixterm colours independent
>    of the 256 colour palette.
> I'd rather they were passed through unaltered except on 8 colour
> terminals.

I see your reasoning with the second point:  tmux should make as few 
assumptions as possible regarding the underlying terminal.  But, if you 
decide to accept my (original) patch, wouldn't tmux then be making the 
implicit assumption that all 256-colour terminals use the same palette 
as xterm-256 (and all 88-colour terminals the same as xterm-88)?  For 
example, that the indices 8-15 correspond to the aixterm colours?  
(Actually, this assumption is still there in the current version of 
tmux; all the patch does is remove another assumption regarding the 
actual _format_ of the 256/88-colour escape sequences.)

That being said, perhaps the better way of resolving the issue would be 
for tmux to have its own termcap/terminfo entries (I see from the TODO 
file that you have been considering this).  As it stands right now, tmux 
assumes that all 256/88/16-colour terminals support aixterm colours.  At 
least one 256-colour terminal (i.e. fbterm) does not.  This wouldn't be 
an issue if not for the fact that 256-colour tmux relies on the 
'screen-256color' termcap/terminfo entry, which yields ANSI colours for 
indices 0-7, aixterm colours for indices 8-15, and xterm-256 colours for 
indices 16-255 (for the sake of saving characters).  Were tmux to have 
its own 256-colour termcap/terminfo entry it would seem best to use the 
same set of escape sequences (i.e. xterm-256) for all colours (or at 
least for non-ANSI colours).  Then applications running in tmux and 
relying on termcap/terminfo would not be coerced into using aixterm 
colours, but the aixterm colours would be still be available for 
explicit use.

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