> Thomas, you're [...]
Ok you crossed a thick red line right there. Would you bloody please 
stop insulting ANYONE on ANY public opinion forum EVER AGAIN?
Please take some time far off a keyboard and reflect your demeanour. How 
you dare spewing rants of disrespect at people whose hard labour's 
fruits you use daily?

When you started criticizing Thomas work last week, at first I shared 
your sentiment a little - measured by the intrusiveness of some of the 
code changes he sub- & committed, his quality assurance wasn't on par, 
and one might say today's patch was more proof of that. Alas, humans do 
make mistakes - everyone does, you and me included. Its how one handles 
criticism that makes all the difference - Thomas usually confesses his 
wrongdoings and takes it back to the drawing board. His response even to 
your tirade was very moderate and thoughtful. I appreciate the work he 
does for the tmux community. And you are very wrong attacking him (or 
anyone else, for that matter) personally the way you did.

> But I do have good things to contribute.
Well where are they? In two years on the project mailing list, you 
haven't sent in a single patch, nor provided any kind of meaningful 

> So don't tell me to keep quiet.
If poisonous hate speech is all you come up with, indeed please do keep 


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