I'd not bother mentioning aggressive-resize TBH.

How about this instead?

Note it looks like we've been using tabs for indentation in the rest of
the file not spaces.


* Why do I see dots around a session when I attach to it?

tmux limits the size of the window to the smallest attached session. If
it didn't do this then it would be impossible to see the entire window.
The dots mark the size of the window tmux can display.

To avoid this, detach all other clients when attaching:

        $ tmux attach -d

Or from inside tmux by detaching individual clients with C-b D or all

        C-b : attach -d


On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 05:41:36PM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Add a brief note to the FAQ about how tmux handles window sizes and
> renders the smaller one with dots.
> This has come up on IRC three times in the past week, so I feel as though
> it's time to document it,
> Feel free to reword, etc.
> ---
>  FAQ | 19 ++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/FAQ b/FAQ
> index 81421bc..20b84dd 100644
> --- a/FAQ
> +++ b/FAQ
> @@ -420,5 +420,22 @@ Or for inside and outside copy mode with the prefix key:
>  On OS X, reattach-to-usernamespace lets pbcopy/pbpaste work:
>          https://github.com/ChrisJohnsen/tmux-MacOSX-pasteboard
> - 
> +
> +* Why do I see dots around a session when I attach to it?
> +
> +tmux limits the size of the window to the smaller session.  If it didn't do
> +this then it would be impossible to see the entire window.  The dots mean
> +that the size of the window as shown is the size tmux can display.
> +
> +    $ tmux attach -d
> +
> +Which will detach all clients first of all.
> +
> +If you've already got a session open, then the 'choose-client' command can
> +be used which is bound to <prefix>-D by default, or you can use tmux's
> +command-prompt to do this.
> +
> +One final way is to use the 'aggressive-resize' option, but this might not
> +work well for all applications.
> +
>  $Id$
> -- 
> 1.8.4.rc2
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