Being a happy user of tmux on many other systems (thank you!)
I tried to compile tmux on this MacOSX 10.4.11, and have failed.

The problem is that osdep-darwin.c does not compile on 10.4.11
- it uses libproc which (people tell me) has only been introduced
in MacOSX 10.5 (Darwin 9) with DTrace.

Looking at the history of osdep-darwin.c, e.g.
I see that the "lowlevel" sysctl()'s have been
gradually replaced by libproc features.
This breaks osdep-darwin.c on older Macs
(such as my 10.4.11)

Temporarily, I have reverted to an older version of osdep-darwin.c
and live without the cwd functionality.

I tried to rewrite osdep_get_name() and osdep_get_cwd()
in the sysctl(CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, ...) way
but I don't know the Darwin internals much;
I also tried to mimic osdep-openbsd.c
but Darwin lacks things such as KERN_PROC_CWD,
the daysaver of osdep-openbsd's osdep_get_cwd().

I am no expert on the nuanced differences between
the internals of various BSD-derived systems,
but I do believe that getting the cwd and comm
of a running process is something very fundamental
on all of them; not something that would require
DTrace's libproc.

So, before I start on a path I don't really know,
is there a way to change osdep-darwin to do it
the old primitive way, without proc_bsdshortinfo
and proc_vnodepathinfo and proc_pidinfo etc?

        Thank you for your time



I am also using macports ( on this Mac,
and there is a sysutils/tmux port; it has a patch to osdep-darwin.c
that replaces proc_bsdshortinfo with proc_bsdinfo,
which makes tmux compile (and run fine) on "older" Macs.

The tmux repo itself has this:

But "older" here means "older that the latest Apple release"
(as usual in the Apple circles); it still does not work on 10.4.11.

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