On Wed, 05 Jun, 2013 at 15:43:07 GMT, biinn wrote:
> When running an application from a non-root account to open the webcam
> within a tmux session, I got "Cannot open '/dev/video0': 13, Permission
> denied" error. But I don't have the error if run the app from outside of
> tmux.
> Does anyone have a clue what could be wrong?

The first thing I'd check is whether your distro needs users to be in
the video group to access it. If it doesn't, could PolicyKit be getting
in the way? Currently, tmux doesn't register a session via PAM, so any
tmux sessions are "inactive" and are things are denied for which an
"active" session would be needed ("active" is approximately "at the

A suggestion and some (partly) working code to register with PAM was
denied a while ago. I doubt Nick's stance on it has changed much. It
might be more necessary with things like systemd --user[1] and
PolicyKit[2] used more and more, but I'd like to see support in upstream
instead of in umpteen distros as a patch.


[1]It's not the default, but when logging out, systemd --user can be
setup to kill all of the processes under that session. I don't know the
status of a patch for screen to avoid the reaper.
[2]Shutting down/suspend/hibernate over the system D-Bus call generally
needs an "active" session, so I'm usually forced to use dmenu rather
than a shell under tmux for this.

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