Tried this:

bind -n F19 last-window
bind -n F20 next-window
set -g terminal-overrides "*:kf19=\e[1;5I,*:kf20=\e[1;6I"

added to tmux.conf and reloaded "source-file ~/.tmux.conf".

tried this (inside tmux):

# tmux set -g terminal-overrides "*:kf19=\e[1;5I,*:kf20=\e[1;6I"

# tmux info|grep kf19
77: kf19: (string) \033[18;2~

ctrl-tab just writes '5I'.

I'm probably doing something wrong.
Will 'tmux info' show terminfo definition (xterm) with or without 
terminal-overrides applied ?

On 25.5.2014. 22:39, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
> Easiest if you just want to bind them is to do something like
> set -ag terminal-overrides '*:kf19=\E[1;5I:kf20=\E[1;6I'
> and then bind F19 and F20.
> On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:11:06PM +0200, Kresimir Kukulj wrote:
>> Hi,
>> mintty (cygwin terminal) can sent c-tab and c-s-tab sequences.
>> They use:
>> c-tab  ^[[1;5I
>> c-stab ^[[1;6I
>> I don't find any way of using bind-key with a raw sequence (like screen
>> can). Is there a way to configure tmux for these sequences ?
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