Because a number of my vars have spaces or special characters in them, I 
have to do this nonsense because env output doesn't quote the values.

TWO="2 2"
THREE="3 -3 +3 =3"

echo $(for VAR in $EXPORT_VARS ; do echo "${VAR}=\"${!VAR}\"" ; done) | 
tr '\n' ' '

Which is a good example of bash indirect parameter expansion.

So, the line below turns into this:

tmux new-session "env $(echo $(for VAR in $EXPORT_VARS ; do echo 
"${VAR}=\"${!VAR}\"" ; done) | tr '\n' ' ') bash"

And ugly as it is, it works for me.  I don't like it though.  I'd much 
rather have a tmux option like this:

tmux new-session -setenv "$EXPORT_VARS" "bash"

On 6/1/14, 2:43, Balazs Kezes wrote:
> On 2014-05-31 20:59 -0700, Jesse Molina wrote:
>> This first bash script has a number of environmental variables which I
>> need to exist in the new-session env to get passed on to the
>> application/script in which the new session starts.
> You can try passing the current environment to the session's first
> process on its command line. Try this (beware: this is a bit unsafe this
> way, you'll need to sanitize this command, this is just a
> demonstration):
>       tmux new-session "env $(env | tr '\n' ' ') bash"
> After the new session already exists, you can script around the
> set-environment command in tmux.

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