
** [tickets:#160] Unable to bind F13 to F20**

**Status:** open
**Created:** Thu Oct 02, 2014 01:22 PM UTC by mMontu
**Last Updated:** Thu Oct 02, 2014 01:22 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

After updating tmux to the latest version some bind commands on my .tmux.conf 
stopped working, despite they are still listed on `man tmux`:

         tmux allows a command to be bound to most keys, with or without a 
prefix key.
         When specifying keys, most represent themselves (for example ‘A’ to 
‘Z’).      Ctrl
         keys may be prefixed with ‘C-’ or ‘^’, and Alt (meta) with ‘M-’.  In 
         the following special key names are accepted: Up, Down, Left, Right, 
         BTab, DC (Delete), End, Enter, Escape, F1 to F20, Home, IC (Insert),
         NPage/PageDown/PgDn, PPage/PageUp/PgUp, Space, and Tab.  Note that to 
bind the
         ‘"’ or ‘'’ keys, quotation marks are necessary, for example:
           bind-key '"' split-window
           bind-key "'" new-window

I've been using it F20 to be able to map Ctrl-/, with the following my 

    # Enter copy-mode backward search from normal mode
    # https://sourceforge.net/p/tmux/mailman/message/32378454/
    bind -n F20 copy-mode \; send-keys ?

, along the following in my ~/.Xdefaults

    ! maps C-/ to F20, to use as a tmux mapping
    URxvt.keysym.C-slash : \033[34~

It worked on the previous version; now it gives an error message:

    unknown key: F20


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