Basically the default binds I am seeing so far are missing the mouse wheel

I deduced that these default binds

bind-key    -T root   MouseDown1Pane   select-pane -t = ; send-keys -M
bind-key    -T root   MouseDown1Status select-window -t =
bind-key    -T root   MouseDrag1Pane   if-shell -F -t = #{mouse_any_flag}
"if -Ft= "#{pane_in_mode}" "copy-mode -M" "send-keys -M"" "copy-mode -M"
bind-key    -T root   MouseDrag1Border resize-pane -M

are the ones that are implementing the ability to use the mouse to switch
and resize panes now. Given that we now have the ability to bind mouse
wheel and drag and everything, I'm really excited because I think it means
I'll be able to bind mwheel to fire arrow keys (for use in pagers, etc).
But first, I'd love to be able to enter copy mode and scroll history.

But it's turning out to be super challenging to work with, without certain
knowledge... for example, it seems like the bind is saying that when
dragging Mouse1 inside a pane, while targeting the pane in question (-t =),
if mouse flag is set (mouse_any_flag) then .... well I have trouble with
parsing at this stage. I think it would help greatly if the double-quote
escapement scheme could be explained. I see 3 quotes in a row, and I
suspect that that is significant.

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