trevor said:
> Your isp may be redirecting port 25 bound traffic to it's own servers.
> Most
> of the larger ones do this.  When I setup a toaster for my last employer,
> everything worked great inside the office network but when people brought
> their laptops home a good 75% of them could not send emails.  I figured
> out
> that their isps were redirecting port 25 traffic.  To work around this I
> just setup another smtpd listener on 2525, configured laptop users email
> clients smtp port to 2525 and everyone was happy.

Nope, that's not happening. This is a professional CoLo facility, and it
is /definately/ going to our mail server. I can watch the connection come
in on the log files, and other than the missing commands, it behaves as if
it was our system.

Matthew Walker
Kydance Hosting & Consulting

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