Greetings, all.

We're running the latest version of the toaster here for about 2000 users,
recently migrated from a previous version.  The only non-toaster applications
installed are SpamAssassin and ClamAV.  This is the same setup we had
running on a server with less memory and CPU a couple of weeks ago;
the only difference is in the versions of the applications.

Twice today I've had to restart my mail services because ClamAV was
unable to allocate more memory.  I know this is not the ClamAV list,
but I was wondering if anyone knew about configuration tweaks I could do
within the toaster itself to make it more efficient.  My next steps,
of course, are to mail the SA and ClamAV lists to find out what's going

Sadly, money is an issue here (where isn't it?) and I can't ask for a
new server just to handle spam marking and anti-virus.  At least,
not yet.

Thanks in advance,


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