Evgeny Gesin wrote:
Bill, I install software in this order:
1. Unzip and patch qmail. 2. Unzip, patch/make/install daemontools, ucspi-tcp, ucspi-ssl, *remove sources*. 3. Make/install qmail. 4. Unzip/make/install vpopmail, *remove sources*. 5. make clean qmail, patch with chkuser-0.7b2.patch and make/install qmail again, *remove sources*.
Please note, that I remove sources, and there are no sources after step 5, and vpopmail.h, vauth.h, vpopmail_config.h are not available after step 4.
I checked your toaster, I think if I remove vpopmail sources not in 4, but after step 5 qmail will compile. But anyway, this indicates, that three header files were not needed to compile qmail with chkuser-0.7b2.patch, right?
We're not talking about source. I'm talking about your installation of vpopmail. The referred to files, vpopmail.h, vauth.h, vpopmail_config.h are included from ~vpopmail/include, NOT the vpopmail source.
Make sure conf-cc has the correct FULL path to ~vpopmail/include.