Abel Lucano wrote:

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Bill Shupp wrote:

Thanks Bill for your quick answer,

Entourage 9 (10) at least seems doesn't like SMTP-AUTH to enable relay.
My provisory workaround is recompile toaster's vpopmail with

I'm concerned about this scheme: is it just "un-elegant" (smtp-auth plus
--enable-roaming) or maybe could be a source of problems (open relays,

best regards,


If it were me, I'd tell them to change mail clients. All modern mail clients should support smtp-auth properly, even cram-md5.

If they refuse, and you don't want to lose them, one other option is to turn on roaming users, but disable it as the default in vlimits.default, and turn it on only for that domain or user.



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