Bill Shupp wrote:
Rick Macdougall wrote:


Bill was my patch for the greylisting problem where smtp-auth is used included ? (I'm not even sure I submitted to the list now). Basically it would not allow clients who had used smtp auth to send mail to send mail, giving a 421 try-again later error (as is normal with the greylist patch).

Yes, but it's slightly different. I did add the relayclient definition, but did NOT move the call to envelope_scanner below the chkuser code, as you had done. There's no reason to run chkuser code if we're going to defer the connection, it's not as efficient.


To me I'd rather reject it out right for unknown users rather than doing 3 mysql lookups on the first attempt, then doing another 3 on the second attempt and then doing the chkusr overhead (over even another 3 and another 3, depending on who long your wait is to accept it and how often the remote server re-tries).

I don't think it really matters either way unless you get a joe-job bounce spam attack, in which case your method would probably kill the server in question with lookups.



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