I have installed and setup toaster using instructions provided by Bill and
it works great!
Now is the task of keeping it up-to-date. I'm a Linux user for a while but
can't consider myself to be very proficient and asking for some points. I
currently have a toaster v.0.7.9 - 3/13/2005 with custom error reject
patch installed and would like to update it to current. Before I mainly
installed any updates using RPM's and was wondering if simply redoing the
install steps for the software that requires updates will update it or do
I need to first remove old versions of libraries, etc ?
I have found this instructions for ClamAV update. How true they are ?:

When you type "make install", existing binaries are overwritten. All you
have to do is restart clamd and freshclam (if running as a daemon). By
default, ./configure places binaries under /usr/local/bin, configuration
files under /usr/local/etc and database under /usr/share/clamav.

Configuration files are not overwritten!

And here is other small bit from same
http://wiki.clamav.net/index.php/UpgradeInstructions :

My process for installing a new version:
Preserve the previous build for fall-back purposes

1.  dl the source for the version of interest
2.  read the dox for build changes
3.  create a configure/make script (for repeatability - mine has my chosen
options in it)
4.  examine the new conf files for interesting entries
5.  make backup copies of conf files from previous version
6.  stop clamav procs
7.  rm -f /usr/local/lib/*clam* (to remove old libraries)
8.  make install
9.  check again conf files - adjust as needed for new version
10. restart clamav processes

Ofcaurse I understand that I have to reuse same options for ./configure
that I have used during the build. But should I actually remove the old
libraries as recomended or just do an overwrite?

The assistance will greatly appreciated!

Alex Sysoef

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